Download Infrared Camera For Android

Dec 14, 2018  All in all I'm very satisfied with this camera. I have both ios and android version and this review goes for both. Only difference I've noted is that the ios version seems to fit firmer in the phone and can be set both ways in the phone. For the android version, on a phone with the micro usb turned the 'wrong' way a small cable works fine.

Best camera for android

Our friends at DARPA recently sent out a solicitation for the development of “wafer-sized thermal imagery sensors and optics” small enough to fit in your android handset. It seems their goal is to put an IR enabled mobile device in the hands of every soldier in the field, allowing them to not only spot people at night, but to also determine whether that person is a threat.

Download Infrared Camera For Android Phone

Android infrared camera app

DARPA seems to think an IR sensor with this capability is something you’d want on your handset (or tablet). We’d like to hear from you. Do you want an IR sensor on your android? How would you use it?


Download Infrared Camera For Android Phone

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